
Updated 3 months ago
I regularly update what I am working on for this site. This /now page is part of the Now Movement.

Recently, I updated this blog. From Nextjs page router to the app router. But the CMS still using Ghost for the post.

I tried to find another alternative besides Ghost, but I enjoy the Koenig editor by Ghost CMS. So I keep using it.

Design Service

As part of my service, I help businesses and startups build websites.

I am currently focused on Webflow and Framer.

It is because they are easy to update, and we don't need to maintain any of the themes or even hosting. They take care of almost all of them.

Check out my design service at:

Website Design And Development Services


This project is part of my Nextjs learning.

I decided to sunset this tool. Because I am not updating the plugin list anymore. But I would like to share it with you.

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Let me know your thought or you find a mistake/outdated content for this post.

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