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There are several projects I am working on this week on a variety of platforms. I also want to share a quick tutorial I did with Coolify.

In our previous tutorial about phpMyAdmin and FTP in Coolify, we explored how these tools can greatly enhance your WordPress management and development process in Coolify. Now, here's how I access Coolify's Docker container through SSH.

Note that I use Hetzner to host my Coolify app.

So first access the SSH server using ssh root@<IP server>, for example ssh root@

Now, we will look at the list of containers we have using docker ps.

You can see all running containers in Coolify.

You only need to see and copy the CONTAINER ID or NAMES.

To access SSH for the specific container you can use this command docker exec -it <container id/names> <bash location>.

For example docker exec -it a341d45ed04e /usr/bin/bash.

By typing this command, you can access the SSH server of the specific container.

Accessing the SSH server in Coolify is like using a key to unlock a specific room within a large building. Each container in Coolify is like a room, and by using the docker exec command, you are essentially inserting the key (container ID or name) into the SSH server lock to gain access to that specific room.


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